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ESP32 Logging

ESP32 logging falls into the same category as the recent post about embedding binary content. It is about how logging on ESP32 is different from logging on ESP8266. Yet, as “logging” is a software topic (mostly) and “ESP32” describes hardware we need to be more precise with terms. Therefore, this post will look into how logging with the Espressif ESP-IDF has improved over plain NONOS SDK. The same goes for Arduino Core for ESP32.

Rest assured the old stuff still works on ESP-IDF. However, this post hopefully manages to convince you to improve your code by using the new features.

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Embed Binary Data on ESP32

pre-electronic binary code by dret

There is a reason the title of this post specifically says “Embed Binary Data on ESP32“. This suggests that it is different than embedding binary data on let’s say ESP8266. Yes indeed, that’s part of the story. The other is that to embed binary data on ESP32 you don’t need to jump through hoops anymore like on ESP8266. Instead, you will do what likely feels most natural: store the binary data in a file in the project directory and have the compiler slurp it from there. Easy as pie!

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